Market trends in the pet industry
Canned food versus packaged food
There has been a massive increase in the number of households that own pets. The American Pet Products Association (APPA) claims that the increase in pet ownership is almost upto 68%. There are more cat owning households –some of them with multiple felines in the same house. Zeroing in on this latest trend is the pet food industry. Their focus has now shifted towards providing the feline pets with customized, ready-made food for their felines pets.
Commercial pet food comes in two forms- canned wet food and packaged dry food. The dry food has absolutely no water content and comes in the form of bite –sized pellets. Of these two, the canned food is always the better option. Since cats have a low thirst drive, food is a major source of water for them. Canned foods take care of the water intake apart from being rich sources of animal based protein.
Two major factors that must be determined when opting for commercial cat food are the ingredients and its composition. Knowing what and whatnot your pet cat can eat is vital knowledge. Felines are better off without grains-so if that package says “chicken and rice”, think again before you buy it. Some cats are allergic to beef.
Canned liver, turkey, rabbit and chicken are better options than canned fish. Yes, cats do love fish but canned fish can be host to many allergens that can harm the cat. Some canned foods are loaded with phosphorus and magnesium. Cats need more protein than carbohydrates because they metabolize protein more easily.
Other fast growing trends
All major online shopping portals have a section dedicated to pet products. It is a whole new world out there. Innovative products are available to help you pamper and spoil your feline friends.
Pet shows are gaining popularity. Owners are encouraged to showcase their lovable cats as they did with dogs. These shows are a platform to spread more awareness about cat care and cat breeds.
Technology is now playing a major role in bringing in new trends in cat care. Tagging your pet cat with a microchip ensures safety at a higher level. There are trendy apps that make it easier to keep a tab on food intake , health and grooming.
The number of personalized services cats and dogs enjoy can are enough to make any human envious. Salons, spas , physio therapy and palliative care for terminally ill pets, pet transportation, pet hotels, pet cemeteries and exclusive grief consultation on the death of a pet are just a few examples.